Monday, August 3, 2009

Quality Pee Time

No, I'm not talking about the potty, though I have made it successfully to the potty a number of times now. It's pretty funny to see Mommy rushing me to the bathroom and getting me undressed in time when I say "poo-poo". She finally bought a book this week on potty training because she's afraid I'll get ahead of her in readiness!

What I meant by "Quality Pee Time" is all the time I got to spend with Daddy, Ye-Ye, and Nai-Nai this past week. Mommy had a lot of traveling this week, so Daddy's parents came in town to help out with lil' ole me. They took me on lots of excursions: the Arboretum, the mall, and grocery shopping among other activities.

Pictures from the Arboretum

After my grandparents left early in the weekend, I got lots of nice time with just me and Daddy. We went to swim lessons -- where I have become a fish! -- and he arranged lots of fun activities like playing in the dancing waters and playdates with Aidan. It was nice having a nice bachelor weekend with Daddy!

Mmmm ... ribs!

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