Sunday, August 30, 2009

18-Month Well-Baby Visit

I should say I had my 18-Month(ish) Well(ish)-Baby visit this week because I'm almost 19-months and not completely well right now (I have a cold). It seems so early, but all the kids in my class right now have the same thing, and I heard that others in other classroms do, too. Here it comes again! My stats:

  • Height: 32.25 inches (75%)
  • Weight: 23 lbs (25%)
  • Head: 18.25 inches (50%)
As soon as the nurse came near me at the end of the appointment, I knew she was going to give me a boo-boo, and to add insult to injury, I went ahead and also got my flu shot in addition to whatever shot I was supposed to get AND found out that I need to come back in the fall again for ANOTHER shot ... something about swines or something. Sheesh.

Still not too big to play in the sink though

In happier news, my neighborhood has lots of activities, and Mommy took me to see a 60's band play in the square. I really enjoyed listening to the music. At the end of each song, I would clap, say hooray, and ask more "more! more!". We ran into Connor and his parents there, so we ran around together for awhile. It was good to catch up!

Dessert and live music. What a good idea!

Impromptu playdate with Connor


I'm going to miss the summer and all the yummy fruit available, but the wonderful weather this weekend definitely has me ready for fall and the good weather ahead!

Mmm ... pear

You want me to share?! Nah.

Finished all by myself

Check out more pics in my August album.


Missy said...

Claire! Some of the cutest pictures yet. I wish that I could take trip to Dallas to play with you!

Baby Hung said...

Your little one is adorable Wei Wei!