Sunday, August 30, 2009

18-Month Well-Baby Visit

I should say I had my 18-Month(ish) Well(ish)-Baby visit this week because I'm almost 19-months and not completely well right now (I have a cold). It seems so early, but all the kids in my class right now have the same thing, and I heard that others in other classroms do, too. Here it comes again! My stats:

  • Height: 32.25 inches (75%)
  • Weight: 23 lbs (25%)
  • Head: 18.25 inches (50%)
As soon as the nurse came near me at the end of the appointment, I knew she was going to give me a boo-boo, and to add insult to injury, I went ahead and also got my flu shot in addition to whatever shot I was supposed to get AND found out that I need to come back in the fall again for ANOTHER shot ... something about swines or something. Sheesh.

Still not too big to play in the sink though

In happier news, my neighborhood has lots of activities, and Mommy took me to see a 60's band play in the square. I really enjoyed listening to the music. At the end of each song, I would clap, say hooray, and ask more "more! more!". We ran into Connor and his parents there, so we ran around together for awhile. It was good to catch up!

Dessert and live music. What a good idea!

Impromptu playdate with Connor


I'm going to miss the summer and all the yummy fruit available, but the wonderful weather this weekend definitely has me ready for fall and the good weather ahead!

Mmm ... pear

You want me to share?! Nah.

Finished all by myself

Check out more pics in my August album.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Summer Days Driftin' Away

Okay, okay, so when you don't actually go to real school yet, maybe the end of summer vacation isn't that big of a deal. But I can appreciate it for everyone else! We've definitely taken advantage of the hot -- but not too hot this year, which is nice -- weather by enjoying popsicles outdoors after dinner and playing in the fountains.

Sharing my popsicle with Daddy

I'm ready! Bring it on.

Head dunk

I also finished up my first session of swim class. I love swimming! My teacher says that I'm funny because I'm always very serious at the beginning of the class but having a grand ol' time by the end. I can hold my breath under water for about 4 seconds now and love to jump into Daddy's arms. I'm signed up again for the next session and can't wait to see if I soon sprout gills!

Get the balls!

Splashing into the water

Kick, kick, kick. Pull, pull, pull.

Got to see Jacob for a playdate recently. We're definitely a pair of troublemakers together between running crazy, peering in the fountain, and taking turns pretending to fall down. We also took turns making each other jealous by climbing into each other's mommy's laps. That was pretty funny. I would climb into Auntie Diana's lap and Jacob would get upset. So Mommy would take Jacob, and I would get upset. But then when we swapped to the right mommy, we would want to go right back!

Yelling at Jacob about something. Poor guy.

Auntie Diana says "Hey, I can hold you both!"

Our family went over to Sofia (and Lily's) for yummy dinner and to play. We had LOTS of fun with all her toys and trying to play with Lily. Hard to believe I was ever that small!

Calling each other on the "phone". 'allo? 'lo?

More pictures in my August album!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mommy and Daddy Go "Bye"

One of my favorite words right now is "Bye" which I say very definitively and with purpose, especially when I'm pretty much done with you and whatever it is that you're proposing. Po-Po and Gong-Gong came up to watch me for a few days while Mommy and Daddy left me to go bye-bye. They went on their first real vacation without me, but I had a great time, too. Since Po-Po and Gong-Gong got in early, they couldn't wait to see me and surprised me at school instead of waiting for Mommy or Daddy to pick me up. They brought me home and, what else, proceeded to feed me and play. Yum!

Surprised at school mid-step

Let the fun begin!

The day that Mommy and Daddy left, Gong-Gong and Po-Po took me grocery shopping at Super H-Mart. I'm not sure who enjoys that place more, but I sure like it. The rest of the day, we played at home and walked to the lake in the evening to tire me out.

No, no, I can push

Mush! Mush!

On Friday, we went to the mall to play and enjoy a perfect pairing of fast food: Chick-Fil-A nuggets and Sonic cherry limeade. Mmmmm ... Don't worry, we worked off all those calories later that afternoon at the fountains.

Claire au lait. Hehe

We're so pretty

The day that Mommy and Daddy got back, we just bummed around the house and enjoyed our last few hours together. I had so much fun with you two, and I promised to work on saying "Gong-Gong" for when I see you next!

Oh, Kai-Lan, you're so funny

I had a great time. When can we do it again?

I went through the 600+ pictures that they took and put some of my favorite in my August album. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Not me! Daddy! Daddy went with some friends on a big deep-sea fishing trip this weekend where they caught lots of big fish (wow!). Mommy and I stayed at home and had a weekend just to us girls.

Fruits of Daddy's day at sea

On Saturday after swimming, Sofia came over to play, eat, and do naptime. Well, Sofia did naptime; I didn't want any of that and wouldn't fall asleep until she left (I pretty much fell asleep as she was walking down the sidewalk with her daddy). My late nap caused us to miss Linc's birthday party and all of Ms. Angelica's ice cream (big bummer!). Check out our outfits; we dressed alike without even planning it!

What happens when you say "Big smile!" to us

Fun video of us showing off

On Sunday, Mommy and I met up with Auntie Corrie and Kaylie at the mall. We had loads of fun playing, shopping, and then eating lunch afterwards. Boy, do we know how to make noise together! One of my favorite moments was when we chased each other all over the restaurant ... until I fell down some steps. Don't worry, I was fine, but it definitely ended that outing.

Bookin' it

Chillin' at the top

Dancing at the top of the mountain

Mommy and I were glad when Daddy got home. I missed you, Daddy!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My First Sleepover

I hosted my first sleepover this week. Lily Katherine decided to come early, so Big Sis Sofia came over to my house to play. Mommy and Daddy got a glimpse of what it would be like if they had twins, and boy were they tired by the end of the night! The hardest thing was probably trying to herd us; as soon as one of us would get to where they wanted us, the other would be taking off!

You mean she gets to stay ALL night?!

Sometimes the outside of the tube is better than the inside


"Quick" lap around the block

Herding to the bathtub
(more difficult than you may think)

Storytime with our Elmos and Abbies

You think we'll both fit in here? Dubious.

Huge kudos to all you mommies and daddies with multiple kids, and special kisses for the moms of multiples!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Quality Pee Time

No, I'm not talking about the potty, though I have made it successfully to the potty a number of times now. It's pretty funny to see Mommy rushing me to the bathroom and getting me undressed in time when I say "poo-poo". She finally bought a book this week on potty training because she's afraid I'll get ahead of her in readiness!

What I meant by "Quality Pee Time" is all the time I got to spend with Daddy, Ye-Ye, and Nai-Nai this past week. Mommy had a lot of traveling this week, so Daddy's parents came in town to help out with lil' ole me. They took me on lots of excursions: the Arboretum, the mall, and grocery shopping among other activities.

Pictures from the Arboretum

After my grandparents left early in the weekend, I got lots of nice time with just me and Daddy. We went to swim lessons -- where I have become a fish! -- and he arranged lots of fun activities like playing in the dancing waters and playdates with Aidan. It was nice having a nice bachelor weekend with Daddy!

Mmmm ... ribs!