Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spring Flings and Celebrations

I've got a few weekends to catch up, I believe. One weekend, my school had a Spring Fling, so I went with Mommy and Daddy. I drove a firetruck, went on a train ride, and got to play with my teachers outside of class.

Honk, honk!


Is this Sofia? Yep!

We celebrated Logan turning one at a birthday party at his house. He had a huge ball and an awesome slide for us to play on, and boy did we play!

Is it my turn down the slide yet?

Happy birthday, Logan!

The next week, we threw a party for Juliet's new baby brother who is will be here soon. Lots of my playgroup friends came over to play and eat cupcakes.

Jammin' with my garage band gals --
Both Juliet and Sofia are going to be big sisters soon!

I've been busy learning my animal sounds, though I'm not always willing to show off just because you want me to. I've picked up a few more signs, and actual words are not far off. I've already got "Da-da" and "Ma-ma" down for sure, "Moh?" for "more" and "Meh-Mo" for Elmo.

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