Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Karate Kid and Preschool 2

After asking Mommy for weeks, I finally convinced Mommy that I really wanted to take karate. Mommy's pretty sure that my Shifu was probably coming by the school every day reminding us how much we wanted to do karate (clearly), but whatever it was, it worked! I take classes once a week at school and then we try and go by the studio at least once during the week as well. Everyone's already really impressed by everything they've seen, from my memorization, dicipline, and ability to take direction.

Star block

Not sure if it's normal to get air while kicking, but I did!

Prepared to take a blow. It looks scary, but I love it and crack up every time

In other school updates, after some drama (not worth mentioning here), I moved up to the Preschool 2 class at the end of June. It's a full-year curriculum, so it's the same class I'll be with for the next year until I start Pre-K.

Ready for my first day

July 4th presentation at school

Lots more pics in our June album!

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