Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Overdue Wrap-Up - May

May was similar to April in that our grandparents were here so we got lots of quality time, and we stayed busy on the weekends doing lots of fun things.

Daddy went on a business trip which Mommy referred to as his "vacation" and I referred to as "Daddy working ... on a plane". I'm also talking a lot more; the other day, there were some kids climbing the neighborhood fence behind our house, and Mommy told me it was dangerous when I asked if I could do it, too. I wanted to make sure the girls knew it, too, so I started yelling, "Hey! Dangerous! No, no! Come down!". They didn't listen. Another day, Mommy and I were taking turns listening to each other's hearts with my stethoscope. I declared her heart as sounding "strong and puffy" (no one's quite sure where that came from).

Here are some postings for your enjoyment:

May Was...Grandparents
May Was...Festivals, Fairs, Birthdays, and Fun
May Was...Family Vacation! Austin, TX

Again, sorry if all the detail that you're used to wasn't there, but things should be better now because (drum roll) Mommy's going part-time! She's going to dial back her career some so that she can spend more time with moi -- and Gavin, too, of course. I can't wait!

You can jump straight to our May photo album as well.

June soon to follow!

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