Friday, November 7, 2008

9-Month Check-Up

I know, I know, I know ... I owe you pictures and updates from Halloween and all my fun Fall activities. Soon, soon, I promise! Quickly, though, I went to my 9-month well-baby check-up today. Results:
  • Height: 27.5 inches (55%)
  • Weight: 18 lbs, 10.5 oz (55%)
  • Head: 17.25 (50%)

I never thought I'd be just average, but it looks like I'm right there in the middle. Mommy knew that I was thinning out; must be all that exercise from crawling and pulling up! Don't worry, though, I still have the Michelin arms and chubby thighs. The doctor said that I'm happy, well-adjusted, and doing great!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Great stats - you are just perfect being 'average'! Tell your mommy to stop working and post those Halloween pics - ours finally did :)
Anna, McKenna and Ava