We're home! Last week, Daddy, Mommy, and I went to a Pee-union in the Outer Banks, NC to celebrate Auntie Daphne and Uncle Drew's wedding. I was super, super good on the plane ride and drive there; Daddy gave me an A+!
The wedding itself was beautiful, and I had such a good time all week. In addition to the rehearsal dinner and wedding, we had a crab boil, went to the beach, and visited the Aquarium! Mommy and Daddy even snuck in a date while Nai-Nai and Ye-Ye took good care of me.
I loved meeting all my Aunties and Uncles on Daddy's side for the first time, and they sure seemed to like spoiling me! I was also excited to meet Auntie Daphne because Mommy says she thinks I look like her. I hope I'm as cool as she is someday.
An extra bonus was that I got to sleep with Mommy and Daddy lots. Funny how sharing a house with 7 other people gets them out of bed faster than usual. Hehe.
Later in the week, we moved from the rental house in Corolla to Charlie's house in Nags Head. I got to play with Charlie all weekend while Mommy got to play with Auntie Nina, Auntie Debbie, and Auntie Syndee; Daddy drank lots of beer with Uncle Giang and Uncle Danny.
It was raining and windy, so we were stuck inside, but it was perfect because there was lots of catching up to do! We had another crab boil, went out to eat, watched lots of football (hook 'em horns!), and took lots of naps ... my kind of weekend!
I have to admit, though, I was pretty excited to be coming home to play with my own toys. Only downside was that I have to sleep in my own bed again. Bummer.
I think I'll let some pictures speak for themselves, but you should definitely check out my October photo album for more pictures of moi. :) Mommy has also created two vacation photo albums where you can see even MORE pictures from our trip (including ones without me in them, but I don't know why you'd want to see those! Hehe).
OBX Part I: Corolla
OBX Part II: Nags Head
i loved having you come visit claire. you were so much fun. come back again soon.
i'm so glad you loved the obx, claire! it was so nice finally getting to meet you. i hope your mommy isn't serious about you looking like me - i think you're going to be MUCH prettier! and with the power calves coming from both your mommy and daddy, i'm sure you'll also be able to run much faster and jump way higher! i can't wait to see! your uncle drew and i miss you very much and hope to visit you soon!
aunty daphne
Looks like you had a great time!
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