Sunday, August 24, 2008

Busy, Busy Week

I finished my first week of daycare. It was fun! I've made lots of new friends, and I really like my teachers. I eat a lot, sleep a lot (okay, maybe not a lot, but as much as I normally did), and I'm learning lots of new songs and games. Mommy says that since I haven't cried when I'm dropped off and she's never seen me cry when she comes to get me, she tells herself that there's no crying in between either. :)

I'm a daycare superstar!

My bed got lowered this weekend. Daddy and Mommy weren't sure if it was time yet until they found me sitting up in my crib when I was definitely left there on my tummy just moments before. I haven't repeated the trick since, but they're not taking any chances!

How am I supposed to sneak out now?!

I had another photo shoot, this time with Mr. Sudeep. He's Ms. Rajani's husband and Varsha's daddy. He has a whole studio set-up in his house, and it was all very professional. I made it challenging for everyone by not wanting to sit still for very long and beelining for the camera as soon as they put me down or pulled me backwards. If all my pictures turn out as good as the few sneak peeks we got on the camera, it's going to be fabulous!

Me and Varsha

My newest toy is my rainforest jumper; I'm still getting the hang of it, but it's quite a ride! I'm getting REALLY fast at army crawling. You really have to keep your eyes on me at all times or else I'll do something totally random (a la licking the tile after shimmying across the living room in about 5 seconds). I push up on all fours and rock and forth, but scootching is so fast! One of the benefits of being small and mobile is I found my duckie shoe! It's been missing for a long time; Nai-Nai and Ye-Ye spent hours looking for it! But all they needed to do was set me loose in my room for a few minutes, and I would have found it for them. Too bad they're too small to wear now ... but they tastes good!

Mmmm ... duck

Hard to believe August is almost over. Next weekend is Labor Day, so it's a long weekend (yay!). Just one more week of pictures to add to my August album before I create my next one!

Pigtails! You knew they were coming!


Missy said...

the pig tails are SO cute! I miss you Claire! :)

Corrie said...

Love the pig tails. I can't believe her hair is long enough for that.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad daycare is going so well! Way to go Claire!

I am so jealous about the pigtails. I've been wanting to do that since I found out I was having a baby girl. So cute!