The big news is that I am now officially wearing Size 2 diapers and some 3-6 month clothes. For the diapers, all it took was (count 'em) THREE blow-out diapers in ONE DAY for Mommy to make the diaper decision, and she realized it was time for new clothes when some of my onesies didn't button at the bottom anymore. :)
I'm tolerating tummy time a little better now, but I much prefer to sit up or stand instead. I got really mad at Mommy this week when I was sleeping in my crib and I accidently turned on my side ... and then fell onto my stomach. Grrr!!! Lucky for me, Auntie Corrie let me borrow Kaylie's bumbo today when we were visiting her, so I even have my own chair to sit in on my own!
My "Mommy and Me" is pretty much up. I turn 12 weeks old next Wednesday, so she goes back to work next Thursday full-time. My Nai-Nai and Ye-Ye are coming next Monday to start taking care of me until I'm ready to go to daycare in August. Let the spoiling begin! I know that Mommy is sad to leave me, but I know it will be fine. She'll keep adding adding pictures to my April photo album (and other months, of course) and keep everyone updated on my next adventures!

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