Thursday, February 21, 2008

2-Week Check-Up: 02/21/08

Mommy took me to see Dr. Frank today for my 2-week well visit. Since Mommy can't drive yet, my ye-ye and Nai-Nai took us. Just as Mommy and Daddy predicted: I'm a chubbers!

In the last 10 days since my last appointment, I have grown from 6lb 10oz to 8lb 1oz and from 18.5 inches to 20.5 inches! Dr. Frank called me a "healthy eater"; I think I get it from my parents. :) He also said that I have a very good temperament and am very well-behaved. The good news for Mommy is that she doesn't have to set an alarm anymore to make sure that I eat every 2-3 hours. Not that I expect to actually let her go more than that at a time without feeding me, but I know this takes some pressure off of her. Plus, it means that I had just enough newborn diapers and can go to my size 1's now!

Dr. Frank also removed my umbilical cord stump today so that I can take real baths, and I got some blood taken at the hospital for my newborn screening. I was a very good girl and didn't cry at all even when they pricked my foot!

My next appointment is 3/6/08 on my one month birthday. I get 4 shots that day. What a birthday gift! Yuck!

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