Monday, May 30, 2011

More May Memories

Some other random May pictures ...

Playdate with Kaylie at our house

Greeting Mr. Al at the school Spring Fling

Showing off some of my art that we finally got around to framing

Making snowcones at home

Making pancakes (oddly similar to making snowcones)

Excited to have bubble tea in our neighborhood!

Painting a surprise for Daddy

May will be remembered as when I discovered the ICE CREAM MAN! Genius.

I'm going to get you, duck!

Don't you want to see my pretty nails?

... more of which you can find in our May album.


Monday, May 23, 2011

Lil Sluggers and Cuties Splash Fun

I started Lil Sluggers baseball with some of my friends from my playgroup. I really like my coach, "Josh Coach", and I'm having a ton of fun.

Warming up

Starting with the big targets

My playgroup also headed to The Fields to do some splashing in the sun.

C'mon, Gavin

Going to make it across


Enjoying a post-splash snack

More playgroup fun in our May album.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

First Dance Recital

After months of practice, dress rehearsals, and pictures, it was finally time for my dance recital! I did AWESOME. I danced, I twirled, I pretended to fall down. All in all, I had a wonderful time and love dance.

Fitting in one last practice at school

My dance picture

All prettied up and ready to go on stage

Quick snack backstage while we wait

With our snuggle puppies and medals after the show

Proud family

Every star gets flowers after the show

Since then, I've watched the DVD multiple times; I'm happy to show you anytime you want to see it! Until then, you can check out more pics in our our May album.


Congrats, Xiao-Jiu!

We made a quick trip down to cheer on Xiao-Jiu on his big day: graduation from the University of Texas at Austin!

I wonder if I can go on stage with Xiao-Jiu when he crosses ... and whether he'll care when I drop hotdog in his hair.

Excited to see Po-Po in Austin, too

Hook 'em, Horns!

So proud of my uncle

Afterwards we celebrated at a yummy Maggiano's dinner and the ever-present ice cream cake before settling down at our hotel.

Dinner was THAT good

Congrats again!

Just like the princess couch at home!

The next day we made a quick trip to see cousin James and his family, enough to eat some yummy food and fit in our "couch" pictures with the Pee sons.

The first-born Pees

It gets exponentially harder the more kids there are

It was slightly bittersweet as it was exactly the same day/time that Da-Jiu was also graduating from med school at Wash U, but Gong-Gong was there to support him in person while we were happy for him in spirit.

Check out the Austin-weekend pics (yes, it had its own album).


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day at The Fields

To celebrate Mother's Day, Mommy couldn't think of anything better than spending time with her family in the great outdoors. We decided to have a picnic at The Fields with our good friends the Davises. We ate, climbed, played in the water, made sand angels, and had a wonderful time.

Happy Mother's Day!

Rocking the hats with my BFF

Trying to stand still for a picture


I'm a perfect (snow) angel

And, of course, we took lots of pictures. Hey, it was Mother's Day, and "Mother Knows Best", right? Check out the whole Mother's Day album now!