Christmas morning was quite exciting! I GOT MY BUTTERFLY GARDEN! WOO-HOO! I was a bit surprised that I didn't actually get the butterflies with the cage, but I hear they're coming soon. Gavin got a no-pedal bike just like mine, so we'll be able to tool around the neighborhood together.
Hmmm ... I thought I made more cookies than this ...
I love it, but where are the butterflies?!
Gotta proctect the smarts!
Luckily everyone had a few extra days before they had to head back to their cities, so we took advantage of the time by just hanging out and having a good time.
Claire's first attempt at directing and cinematography
(taking after her uncle)
Only the family will understand this still ...
and the memory still makes me laugh
Kirby, say Moooo
Good sports
The youngest generation together
Check out more pics in our
December album!