Sunday, October 25, 2009

Arboretum At Last

Mommy and I finally made it to the Arboretum for the Fall Festival and Tiny Tots Tuesday. The weather was gorgeous, and we had a wonderful time with Jacob and his mommy. We've been with them before, first when I was less than 2 months old and then again this past spring. Jacob and I always play together really well, so every reunion is a happy one!

Chillin' in our ride. Jacob brought his wagon this year!

Holding hands at the pumpkin house; prom dates for sure

Claire-sized Pumpkin?


Pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere!

Neigh, Neigh ... Cluck, Cluck!

Comparing who has more raisins

Using the flap on the juice box to hold it. Genius!

Such fun! I'm so glad they were able to make it, and I can't wait until next Spring when we can do it again. I posted lots more pictures from our outing in my October album in case you want to see what other trouble we got ourselves into that morning.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Mommy's been taking a lot more video of me since I don't really want to sit still for boring pictures as much. Plus, it's pretty fun showing off, though immediately I want to look at the result because -- as we all know -- it's "MINE!" ... as is just about anything else that I want, need, or can think of at a given time. Mine, mine, mine, and don't you forget it!

Smiling for the Camera
I saw the camera in Mommy's hands and thought that she was trying to take my picture. I had no idea she was actually taking video of me! How embarrassing.

Learning My Colors
I'm learning my colors right now. A lot of the time, when you ask me what color something is, my immediate response (sometimes without even looking) is, "Red!" but then if you ask me if I'm sure, I say "no ... " and then attempt to give the correct color. Red, pink, yellow, green, orange, brown, black, white ... test me!

And My Numbers, Too
I'm also learning my numbers. Recognizing them is fine, but actually naming them in order is a bit more difficult. I can make it from 1 to 5 with some help and back down 5 to 1 with some prompting. Same as the "red!" with my colors, I tend to respond "TWO!" when you ask me how many there are of something. That should come in handy next February when I'm asked how old I am.

I'm working on my letters, too; hopefully I'll be able to get some video of that up soon.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hook 'em Horns!

This weekend, we had some long-anticipated visitors: Xiao-Jiu (Dwo), A-Yi (Crystal), and Doggie (Kirby) who were in town for the Red River Shootout. Imagine my delight when they showed up Thursday night as I was getting ready to bed. I heard a "jingle, jingle" and just knew that "Doggie!Doggie!Doggie!" was here!

I got to stay home on Friday to play while Mommy and Daddy worked, we ran some errands with Kirby, ate lunch outside, and then I hosted playgroup at the park late in the afternoon.

By the end of the weekend, Kirby and I were the best of friends. Well, I have a feeling that I might have loved on Kirby a little more she wanted to be around me, but she'll come around.

Don't forget to check out my October album!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Festival, Fiesta, and Meat

My neighborhood had their Fall Festival, and our family went together after swimming even though it was brr, brr cold! There were lots of activities to do including live music, a pumpkin patch, and games. Mommy kept shivering every time she thought about the dunk tank that was set up. What were they thinking?!

Dancing to the music


When Mommy told me to turn around,
I kept turning in circles intead of facing her

We also went to Sofia's house to celebrate her mommy's birthday. The food was yummy, Sofia really enjoyed the blue icing on the cake, and I especially liked the bucket rides we got around the house. We were quite obnoxious with our screaming and yelling, but our parents just let us run around so that we could have fun together. Whomever said that toddlers don't play together and just parallel play until they're about 3 definitely haven't seen us toublemakers together. Unfortunately, the evening had to end as it neared our bedtimes and we got in a little girl fight while trying to climb onto the same chair (think hair pulling ... a first for us, but I'll bet not the last!).

Imagine the delight (and our parents' relief)
when we showed up in matching bracelets

Checking out the blue icing

Sofia digs right in

We're ready for our rides!

I definitely take after Daddy with my love of meat. I especially like making the noise of the animal as I'm eating it; I'm sure all those vegetarians just love me. Cluck, cluck; moo, moo. Hehe. One of my favorite things that Daddy cooks for me is steak. Here I am after deciding I was done with my food and wanted the rest of Mommy's steak instead. I pretty much finished the whole thing!

Mmmm ... "Meat!"

My October album has been created! My next goal is to get some of those videos Mommy has been taking of me posted.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

School / No School

This posting was supposed to be about playing hookey and going to the Arboretum with Mommy and our friends to see the pretty flowers and pumpkins ... but I got strep throat instead. Yuck. Good news is, it wasn't the H1N1 swine flu; the bad news is, it wasn't the H1N1 swine flu, so we're still susceptible to it at some point this season. Not only was Mommy was so disappointed that we didn't get to go to the Arboretum, we were quarentined at home with a sick me! But since I was in a great mood despite the fever, we hung out in PJ's all day and took advantage of our days at home.

Found some new shoes ...

... Too bad they're a little big

Snack time!

Feeding Abby some Pirate Booty

Put to work dusting the plants

and windows

Finishing off the last of the watermelon together

See? I feel fine!

After being out for a couple of days, I made it back to school just in time for my fall pictures. I know, I know, I look adorable. Too bad the photographer didn't really catch me in my best mood; I think they took pictures right after I got dropped off (which is never the best time of day for me). The next day after the pics, the fever was back again, so I finished out the rest of the week with Mommy at home. Mommy bought the one calendar even though she didn't love the pictures because, c'mon, how can she turn down pictures of me?!

All dressed up at home

The actual pics:

1) sad,

2) bored, and

3) annoyed?

The Monday after being out sick all week, I started my new classroom. I am now an "Early Prechooler", at least according to my school. After Mommy found out that Sofia and I have been walking around pointing at the little ones in my class and saying "baby" in the their faces, she figured I'm probaby ready to move up.

My "first day of school" outfit.

The actual drop off in the morning has been terrible, but I don't want to leave and always want to stay longer at the end of the day which means that I'm really enjoying myself. They have lots of new activities that I love like the parachute and play-doh that I didn't have before, and -- the best part -- I've been reunited with Juliet (and Ro-Ro and John and Finley) and I got to move up with Sofia. Together again!