Monday, June 30, 2008

My Photo Shoot Pictures!

You have until this Friday, July 4th to check them out!
Click on "Clients"
Password = pee2008

Let me know what you think! Mommy is going to have such a hard time deciding which picture(s) to get. Rhonda may have hit the mother-load ... hehe.

Photo Shoot Sneak Peek!

Rhonda put a sneak peek of my photo session and Ava's online! You can tell how sleepy I was, but the picture itself sure is pretty! I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures soon.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

CH 4th of July Parade

See?! I DO have teeth!

Today was the Castle Hills 4th of July Parade. Yes, I know that it's only June 28th, but my neighborhood apparently gets to decide when they want to celebrate Independence Day. :)

All dressed up in patriotic red

Daddy, Mommy, and I went to the parade with my friends Juliet and Mishka, and -- in true Claire fashion -- I decided to sleep from when the parade started until the last car drove by. Not even the fire truck could wake me up! Fully rested, Juliet and Mishka came over to play for a little while afterwards. It was fun, and I got to show off my new getting-ready-to-really-sit-by-myself skills.

Looking to Mishka for advice

Today was also my photo session with Rhonda Duron; hopefully I'll be able to show you those pictures soon. Unfortunately, I was really, really sleepy, so I'm not sure how it'll turn out, but she was very nice and seems talented, so there should be at least one good one!

If you want to see more pictures, Mommy took a TON of pictures today because she just can't help herself when us cute little girls get together to play ... here's an easy link to my June album.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Night-Night Without Mommy

Why, hello! Thanks for coming to visit!

Auntie Syndee and Charlie came in town last weekend to visit! Auntie Syndee is one of Mommy's best friends, plus we're planning many future family vacations together, so I'm so glad I finally got to meet her.

Me and Auntie Syndee

Being introduced to the yumminess that is boba

On Friday, we all played together, and then Auntie Syndee, Auntie Nina, and Mommy went to Southlake for the weekend to do girly things. Charlie went with his Po-Po and Gong-Gong, and I was all alone with Daddy, Nai-Nai, and Ye-Ye Friday night through Sunday morning. My first nights away from Mommy! It was a little tough (on all of us), but we made it through which was good because Mommy had to go away again on business earlier this week leaving me again for a night.

Oh, Mommies

In addition to rice cereal, I'm eating bananas now, too. I don't like it quite as much as my cereal yet, but I'm taking it alright. Mommy is less enthusiastic than everyone else because my poop now SMELLS! Blech!

Half-Pint -- that's me!

I really like to put stuff in my mouth -- and I'm quick! -- so you really have to watch me.

Daddy wants to eat my toes ... but not if I get to them first!

Mommy has uploaded lots more pictures to my June album. You should visit!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Cereal Killer & My 1st Father's Day

So much to tell ... where do I start?

On Friday, I started my new playgroup ("Camelot Cuties B"). It's really just my old neighborhood playgroup except that we had so many babies, we split up into the "older" and "younger" babies (all born since August 2007). When we first started in April, I was definitely the baby, but now I'm the oldest! I also went from a group of mostly girls to a pretty equal mix of boys and girls ... Daddy liked the other mix better. :)

Boy, girl, boy, girl ... not pictured are another boy, girl, boy, and girl.

We also discovered I have yet another new talent ... one that has given me a new nickname from Mommy: Scooter Tooter. I'm able to squirm around on my stomach enough that I can scoot backwards even though I can't really lift my head while I'm doing it. But why Scooter Tooter? Well, when I was scooting my way off my playmat and continuing off my alphabet mat, I started tooting while I was scooting! Mommy is hoping this doesn't mean I'm going to be an early crawler, but I'm not making any promises.

Mommy laughed really, really hard
but wasn't able to fully capture the excitement on camera.
I actually started out on my playmat and tooted -- I mean scooted -- my way down.

This weekend, Mommy and I met up with Ms. Corrie and Kaylie for lunch. It was super special because it's not often we get to see them. Both Kaylie and I were very good almost the whole time ... Mommy and Ms. Corrie tend to have marathon meals together because they always have lots to talk about together and don't get to see each other as much.

Ladies at lunch (borrowed from Kaylie's page)

We did have the big BRUs shopping trip where I got lots of new stuff including size 2-3 diapers (they were out of 2's), my very own cup, and rice cereal! I even got a toothbrush for my teeth (yes, teeth ... I now have 2 little tooth buds).

My new cup. I'm okay but much better at drinking bath water from a cup.

The cereal? I killed it. Really. I totally rocked it. Mommy and Daddy followed the instructions for "first time feeding" and made it really runny, like soup. At first I didn't know what to think ... and then it clicked and the only problem was that they couldn't feed me fast enough!

Mmm ... okay

Post-cereal mess

Post-cereal dessert

Today was my first Father's Day. Daddy converted my stroller to the big girl version, and we went on a big family walk. Then, after Nai-Nai and Ye-Ye came back, we went to lunch. I played in the afternoon with my new toys and had more cereal at dinner. Not a bad day in my book.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!
You were the first one to change my diaper,
and it was love at first wipe!

I was more appropriately dressed the 2nd time around

Okay, okay, I know what ya'll really want is more pictures and videos ... there are lots more pictures at my June photo album, and Mommy will be adding videos to the right under "My Videos". Oh! And you should check out my Xiao-Jiu's photo site. He posted a bunch of pics from his last visit (he's so talented).

What a weekend. See you again soon!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rollin' rollin' rollin' ... and teeth!

Yup! I'm rolling! All that time on my tummy (fighting and complaining every step of the way) finally pays off for real. It happened really suddenly, actually. One moment I'm on my tummy, and the next I'm flat on my back. To make sure that it really happened, Mommy and Daddy made me to it a couple of times and proved it wasn't a fluke.

I would recommend turning the volume down before watching this one. My fans go crazy!

And, because I'm a bit of a show-off, once I was on my back again, I decided that it was time to roll on to my stomach again! You'd think after all that exercise I would sleep well at night ... but ...

This one was a little harder with the bars in the way. Mommy thought it was funny.

... As an added bonus I proved Nai-Nai right and sprouted a tooth yesterday! Yup, I have a tooth coming out! It's kind of a relief to Mommy and Daddy because it explains all of the crazy drooling, chewing, and fussiness plus why I've decided not to sleep much during the night anymore. Mommy was definitely NOT ready for this phase yet, but I didn't want things to get boring!

At some point we'll get a picture of my tooth bud.
We now have about 50 pictures of Mommy's finger and my tongue.

In other news, last weekend was Daddy's birthday. George Shu-Shu and Christina Shen-Shen came up from Austin to visit, and we had a BBQ extravaganza!

Birthday kisses for Daddy

Guess what?! I'm going to have a cousin!

I have a feeling there's a big BRUs trip this weekend. Mommy and Daddy are going to get me a cup to play with because I insist on trying to drink from one in my bathtub, plus I'm going to start my rice cereal and need new toys disguised as teething rings! Stay turned because I'm pretty sure there will be associated videos and pictures of my next group of adventures.

Monday, June 9, 2008

We Won!

Thank you to everyone who voted for me the last week for the Little Details contest! I won! Mommy will be working with the photographer Rhonda and Miss Kim (I'm taking Ava as my friend) to schedule our mini-sessions.

Here's me and Ava back at the end of April. Rhonda, here we come!

Friday, June 6, 2008


Mommy gave me formula today for the first time. Don't worry; since it was done on her own terms and not out of desperation, she's doing okay.

4-Month Check-Up and More!

I like to prop my foot up on the mirror. So uncouth.

Mommy and Daddy went with me to my 4-Month check-up this morning, and the numbers are in ... drum roll, please ...
  • Head -- 15.75 inches (20%)
  • Weight -- 14lb 14oz (75%)
  • Height -- 26 inches (95%)

WHAT?! How in the world did I go from a short, fat peanut-head to a tall peanut-head?! Mommy thinks that the nurse might have included some of my hair in my measurement. Hehe. I also got my four shots like I was supposed to, and I was pretty darn good, if I say so myself.

Me? Tall? Daddy's already thinking basketball.

Ye-Ye and Nai-Nai are back. While they're here these next five weeks, they'll get to experience me trying out some formula supplementing as well as -- Nai-Nai's been waiting for this for so long -- real food! Well, rice cereal to start, but then more foods later on.

Yes, that IS pantyhose tied around my waist. You can ask Mommy about it.

Thank you to everyone who's been voting for me! If you haven't had a chance yet, the polls are open until Sunday! (See below) Mommy's also created my new photo album with more pictures that she'll keep adding to throughout June; you can find that to the right.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Vote for Me!

Mommy entered me in a contest with a photographer here in Dallas so that I can try and win a free sitting. The theme is "little details", and the picture is supposed to show off the little detail Mommy and Daddy can't get enough of.

Please go to the website and vote for me! The deadline for votes is this Sunday, June 8th @ 6:00pm.

My Submission

Mommy and Daddy can't get enough of my hair ... and my toes

I'm "E", but I want to wish all my friends good luck, too! G = Christian, Jr; H = Christian's cousin; J = Mishka; K = Madison; M = Ava. If I win, Mommy is going to take Ms. Kim and Ava as her friend because she's the one who told us about the contest!